MPS-003 India Democracy and Development
- National Movement
- Development Models
- Constitution And Social Transformation
- Diversity
- Inequality
- Political Economy
- Economy-Structure And Growth
- Legislature
- Bureaucracy, Police, Army
- Judiciary
- Federalism
- Self Government
- Political Parties
- Workers And Peasents
- Media
- Interest Groups
- Caste, Regligion, Language
- Civil Society
- Human Development
- Gender
- Regional Imbalances
- Migration
- Environment
- Economic Reforms
- Religious Politics
- Ethnicity
- Democracy And Development-Assessment
MSO-001 Sociological Theories and Concepts
- Social Theory and its Context
- Concept and Theory
- Theory and Paradigm
- Social Construction of Reality
- Concept and Theories of Structure
- Structure and Function
- Structure, Function and Neo-Functionalism
- The Conceptual and Theoretical Issues of Power
- Class and Legitimacy
- Power- Functional Perspective
- Power and Institutions
- Power/Knowledge
- Evolution, Development and Function of Capitalism
- Rationality, Work and Organisation
- Entrepreneurship and Capitalism
- Freedom and Liberty
- Alienation
- Sovereignty
- State; Power as Elaborated by Marx, Weber, Parsons and Others
- Citizenship
- Civil Society and Democracy
- Conceptualising Ethnicity
- Construction of Identities
- Boundaries and Boundary Maintenance
- Concepts of Difference and Inequality
- Class
- Gender and Social Stratification
- Theories of Origin of Caste System
- Theories of Modernisation and Modernity
- Tradition and Modernity
- Post Structuralism and Post Modernism
MSO-002 Research Methodologies and Methods
- Logic of Inquiry in Social Research
- Empirical Approach
- Diverse Logic of Theory Building
- Theoretical Analysis
- Issues of Epistemology
- Philosophy of Social Science
- Positivism and its Critique
- Hermeneutics
- Comparative Method
- Feminist Approach
- Participatory Method
- Types of Research
- Methods of Research
- Elements of Research Design
- Sampling Methods and Estimation of Sample Size
- Measures of Central Tendency
- Measures of Dispersion and Variability
- Statistical Inference- Tests of Hypothesis
- Correlation and Regression
- Survey Method
- Survey Design
- Survey Instrumentation
- Survey Execution and Data Analysis
- Field Research – I
- Field Research – II
- Reliability, Validity and Triangulation
- Qualitative Data Formatting and Processing
- Writing up Qualitative Data
- Using Internet and Word Processor
- Using SPSS for Data Analysis Contents
- Using SPSS in Report Writing
- Tabulation and Graphic Presentation- Case Studies
- Guidelines to Research Project Assignment
MSO-003 Sociology of Development
- Development and Progress-Economic and Social Dimensions
- Change, Modernisation and Development
- Social, Human and Gender Development
- Sustainable Development
- Modernisation
- Liberal Perspective on Development
- Marxian Perspective on Development
- Gandhian Perspective on Development
- Dependency Theory of Underdevelopment
- Social and Human Development
- Gender Perspective on Development
- Micro-Planning
- Ecology, Environment and Development
- Ethno-Development
- Population and Development
- India
- Canada
- Zimbabwe
- Brazil
- Economic, Social and Cultural Dimensions of Globalisation
- Liberalisation and Structural Adjustment Programme
- Globalisation, Privatisation and Indigenous knowledge
- WTO, GATT, GATS- Capital and Human Flows
- Dimensions of Knowledge Society- Issues of Access and Equity
- Critique of Knowledge Society
- Changing Roles of Media and ICTs on Employment
- Dam and Displacement
- Green Peace Movement
- People Science Movement
- Civil Society Movements and Grassroots Initiatives
MSO-004 Sociology in India
- Social Background of the Emergence of Sociology in India
- Emergence of the Discipline -Issues and Themes
- Village Studies in India
- The Colonial Perspective
- Brahminical Perspective
- View from the Field
- Ambedkar and Lohia on Caste
- Census Perspective
- The Household and the Family
- The Household as a Cooperative—Conflicting Unit
- Marriage and Its Changing Patterns
- Descent and Alliance Approaches to the Study of Kinship in India
- Agrarian Classes and Categories
- The Working Class
- The Middle Class
- Gender, Caste and Class
- Tribe, Territory and Common Property Resources
- Tribe and Caste
- Elwin and Ghurye’s Perspectives on Tribes
- Social Differentiation among Tribes
- Religion and Politics
- Religion and Culture
- Cohesive and Divisive Dimensions of Religion
- Secularisation
- Urbanization
- Migration
- Industrialisation
- Globlisation
- Social Movements- Meanings and Dimensions
- Types of Social Movements
- Peasants Movements
- New Social Movements
MSOE-001 Sociology of Education
- The Concept of Education
- Theoretical Approaches
- Thinkers on Education- I
- Thinkers on Education- II
- Education Knowledge and Power
- Politics of Educational Curriculum
- Education, Nation-building, State and Ideology
- Education and Socialization
- Education and Social Change
- Education and Social Mobility
- Role of Education in Social and Human Development Emerging Perspectives
- Role of Education for Empowerment of the Marginalized
- Education and the Policy of Positive Discrimination and Affirmative Action
- Education Pluralism and Multiculturalism
- Education in SAARC Countries Case Studies-1
- Education in Europe Case Studies-2
- Education Expansion and Growth
- Constitutional Provisions and Educational Policies in India
- Universalization of Elementarv Education
- Crises in lndian Higher Education
- Expansion of Professional Education and Private Sector
- WTO, GATS, ICTS and Higher Education
- Education Social Commitment vs. Commodification
- Social and Philosophical Foundations of Open and Distance Learning
- Critical Issues in Open and Distance Learning
- ODL Problems and Prospects
MSOE-002 Diaspora and Transnational Communities
- Conceptual Understanding of Indian Diaspora and Transnational Studies
- Approaches to the Study of Indian Diaspora
- Diasporic Communities of the World
- Migration and Settlement of Indians Abroad
- Indian Emigration During Colonial Rule
- Post Independence Patterns of Migration
- Indians in the Carribean
- Indian Diaspora in Africa
- Indian Diaspora in South and South East Asia
- Indian Diaspora in Europe
- Indian Diaspora in the New World North America
- Indians in Australia, New Zealand and Fiji
- Indian Diaspora in West Asia
- Immigration and Emigration Policies and their Implications
- lndian State and Diaspora
- Socio-Cultural Linkages Between lndian Diaspora
- lndian Diaspora-Homeland Linkages
- lndian Diaspora in Cyberspace
- Films
- Indian Diasporic Writing
- Popular Perception
- Identity, Nation-State and Diaspora
- Sub-National Identities and Diaspora
- Globalisation, Nationalism and Transnational Communities
MSOE-003 Sociology of Religion
- Religion – Sociological Perspectives
- Anthropological Approaches
- Historical and Comparative Approach
- Marxian Theory
- Durkheim and Functionalism
- Weber and the Question of Meaning
- M N Srinivas – The Coorgs
- Evans Pritchard- The Nuer
- T N Madan- Non- Renunciation
- Sudhir Kakar- Shamans, Mystics and Doctors
- Peter Berger- Phenomenology of Religion
- Clifford Geertz- Cultural Analysis
- Levi-Strauss– Totemism
- Sikhism
- Jainism and Buddhism
- Christianity
- Islam
- Hinduism
- Secularism and Secularization
- Communalism and Fundamentalism
- Religious Conversion
- Transcendental Meditation
- Hare Krishna Movement
- Radhasoami Satsang
- Sai baba of shirdi
MSOE-004 Urban Sociology
- What is Urban Sociology
- Urban Centre, Urbanisation and Urban Growth
- City and Metropolis
- Rural-Urban Continuum
- Invasion, Succession, Concentration, Centralization and Segregation
- Models of Urban Growth Concentric Zones, Sectors, Multiple Nuclei, Explai tative, Syrn bolic
- Social Area Analysis and Recent Advances
- Ancient, Medieval and Colonial Cities Case Studies
- Typologies of Cities
- Temporal Evolution of Ancient, Modern, Pre-Industrial and Industrial Cities
- Functional Classification of Cities Commercial, Administrative and Pilgrimage Towns
- Trends and Pattern of Urbanisation
- Development of Urban Sociology
- Urban Sociology in lndia
- Level, Trends and Patterns
- Marriage, Family and Kinship
- Traditional Neighbourhoods and Modern Cities
- Urban lnf luences on Rural Areas
- Formal Sector
- Urban Informal Sector
- Changing Occupational Structure and Impact of Economic Liberalization
- Poverty
- Slums
- Environment and Infrastructure
- Local Self Government and the Emergence of Voluntary Organisation
- Urban Planning
- Media and Urban Governance
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