“88 C Programs”, by JT Kalnay, contains C programs used to teach C programming. The programs are presented in an order that presents the simplest, most straightforward aspect of a new element first. Subsequent programs present the more subtle or confusing aspects of a new element.
This book is not organized in a traditional chapter format. Instead I have chosen to include example programs that exhaustively illustrate the important points of C in an evolutionary manner. By working through these programs you can teach yourself C. I assume you already know how to program and are familiar with standard algorithms.The programs that I present are not, by themselves, complete applications. The programs are “single-issue teaching programs”. Experienced programmers who are learning a new language have told me time and time again that they mainly want to see the functionality of the new syntactic and semantic elements. The programmers tell me that they will be able to think of the applicability of the feature to their project. When necessary, I provide a sample application to give a feel for how the new element might be employed.