Course Code : BCSL-032
Title : C++ Programming Lab
Assignment Number : BCA (III)/BCSL-032/Assign/14-15
Maximum Marks : 50
Weightage : 25%
Last date of Submission : 15th October, 2014 (For July 2014 Session)
15th April, 2015 (For January 2015 Session)
Note: This assignment has four questions. Answer all the questions. These questions carry
40 marks. Rest 10 marks are for viva voce. You may give proper comments in your
programs to enhance the explanation. Please go through the guidelines regarding the
assignments given in the programme guide for the format of presentation.
Question 1:
Write a C++ program to find the average of 10 given numbers. This program should also find largest and smallest numbers in these 10 numbers. (5 Marks)
Question 2:
Write a C++ program to create an Account class with proper constructor(s) and destructor to
manage Bank Accout. Inherit Saving_Account and Current_Account e classes from Account
class and override method for deposit and withdrawal in Account class. Make necessary
assumptions wherever required. (15 Marks)
Question 3:
Write a program in C++ to overload “-” operator in such a way that ,when it is applied between
two string it return the difference of length of the two strings. (10 Marks)
Question 4:
Write a program in C++ to create a template for Queue data structure. (10 Marks)